From the 2023 Annual meeting

By-laws Revision

Notes from the annual meeting, February 12, 2023. Of particular note at this meeting was the introduction of a motion to increase the number of members on the Executive Board from 9 to 13. 

MOTION: that the membership of the Sherborn Historical Society amend its By-laws such that Article V, Section 2 Directors first sentence THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAT THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN NINE MEMBERS be replaced with THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAN THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN THIRTEEN MEMBERS.

The motion passed unanimously. As a result the Nominating Committee presented the following slate for the year 2023:

Directors: Phyllis Braun, Doug Brodie, Doug Brown, Bob Buntin, Maryann Clancy, Judy Davis, Kevin Delaney, Alan Dunn, Marshall Hunter, George Motley, Sally Tipton, Sue Wetherill

Officers: President – George Fiske; Vice President – Chris Morss; Treasurer – Pete Hoagland; Secretary – David Chester; Curator – Martha Mahard; Historian – Betsy Johnson

The Nominating Committee for next year will consist of Sally Tipton, Chair, Judy Davis, and Sara Wragge.

On-going transcription project

In her report on activities from 2022 Betsy Johnson reported that she and Anne Bekebrede completed transcribing and editing excerpts from Reverend Amos Clarke’s Diaries (1836-1843). 

Exhibition Betsy also acknowledged the splendid new display featuring items from the Society and its history in the newly renovated case in the town office building. The exhibition was planned and installed by Margo Powicki and Sue Wetherill.  


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090